
Welcome, and thanks for visiting.

This website was inspired by Pope St. John Paul II’s wonderful Letter to Families, which celebrates the vast and rich gift of family life. Humanity passes through the family. We owe our existence to our families. They help us understand who we are. 

The greatest gift God gave our family is knowledge of the Truth about our existence: God so loved the world that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to become one of us and to redeem us through His death. Jesus set us on the path of existence in this family. We are to cleave to one another so that we may be there for each other and for the world. As John Paul II said, so goes the family, so goes the world.

On this site we share some of the “touchstones” of what we have received from our family: memories, prayers, recipes, books, movies, vacation spots, and hikes. There’s a bit of family history for the grandkids, along with the old photo albums and Christmas letters nobody wants to store but nobody wants to toss. These things remind us who we are, where we came from, and, as we watch the generations before us, where we are headed. Memories travel light on the world wide web!

Posting Help: If you are new to the website and want to post, check out Welcome > Quick Reference.

Photo Credits: All photos on this site are family photos unless otherwise noted. For example, I took the photo above of a lodgepole pine stand on the south side of Estes Cone while ascending with Elise and Katie in summer, 2018.